Cyblix Technical Services can help you get the most from your software investment.
From initial use and customization to integrating different COTS software, or for customizing CRAFT open simulators, Cyblix and its partners provide high quality technical services across all product categories, including User Interface Development, Visualization, Content Creation, and Simulation.
Cyblix Technical Services can quickly provide you with valuable support and technical expertise that will have a positive impact on your program and your budget. By purchasing software and services together, you can leverage Cyblix knowledge to maximize your investment in Cyblix software while also benefiting from faster integration and roll-out of your application.
3D Modeling
Cyblix technical services can also provide a wide variety of customized 3D models and synthetic environments for real-time simulation.
Our consultants have extensive experience developing high-fidelity models and terrains across all domains, including land, air, and sea.
Our technical services are ideal if:
- You need 3D models developed quickly to meet a deadline
- You need to enhance a current library of 3D models to add new capabilities
- You need to convert models to a different format, such as OpenFlight, FBX, or OGC CDB
- You need to optimize models for performance reasons
- You need to complement your existing terrain database capabilities
- You need to convert one type of database format to another
- You require output to a specific format
Cyblix 3D modeling and synthetic terrain features include:
- Landmarks, airports, roads, buildings, vehicles, aircrafts, ships, animals and characters
- Articulations
- Damaged and destroyed states
- Multiple LODs
- Correlated Terrain
- Multiple output formats, including TerraPage, OpenFlight, FBX, and OGC CDB
- Sensor support for NGV, IR, and RADAR
Cyblix 3D models are highly optimized for real-time simulation and are developed to very high standards of visual accurateness. Our provided synthetic environments are customized and optimized to work in your environment and with your client systems.
Simulation Modeling
Cyblix technical services can provide custom simulation modeling services for real-time synthetic environments.
Our consultants have extensive experience developing sensors, weapons, and vehicles, or integrating Cyblix tools into an in-house system model.
These technical services are ideal if:
- You need to develop a capability demonstrator
- You need to integrate an in-house system model, such as a sensor or weapon, into an environment simulation
- You need highly autonomous and intelligent entities or behaviors
- You need to develop specific military doctrines
- You need to extend your current simulation with more/new entities or new types of behaviors
- You need to complement your existing SAF/CGF with either higher fidelity entities or more autonomous pattern of life
- You need to develop a custom Instructor Operator Station (IOS) application
Our various sample applications include:
- Crowd evacuations for emergency response applications
- Border patrol and border crossings
- Air combat operations
- Urban combat operations
- UAV operations
- Test and evaluation
- Monte Carlo